Download video of naked marines on Straight Off Base

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Are the guys really military?

You bet your ass they are. Not only are all my guys active duty military (at least when they were shot, time passes and some of them are out and enjoying their civilian lives now), most of them are U.S. Marines. It's a personal thing for me, I have been a military tag chaser for all my life and only active duty military guys will do. It's easy to tell when a site doesn't use active duty military guys, and I myself would never be satisfied with anything less. However we don't discriminate—you will also find Army soldiers and Navy sailors on this site. You might also find U.S. Air Force airmen too, if I lived near an Air Force base. But right now I am surrounded by Marines (a condition that I love) and as they love to get naked and fuck anything that moves, that's primarily what you'll see here on Straight Off Base.

Have they ever got in trouble?

Unfortunately, they have. As you might imagine the Marine Corps frowns on it's active duty marines doing gay porn, as do the other services. It was harder to film military porn videos back in the day before gays in the military was a thing, because even though all my guys are straight as fuck I am able to get them to do things that are gay as fuck, and having a dick up their ass was close enough for the government to have a shit about it. The worst scandal occurred around Ft. Bragg, North Carolina in an Army porn scandal that became nationally famous for a timer. That happened because one of their girlfriends found out and got jealous!

It's for this reason that I will be taking steps to protect the identities and future military careers of my active duty military models. Members get to see everything, of course. But non-members will sometimes be blocked from seeing the faces or identifying tattoos of active duty military members, at least until they're out and no longer subject to the UCMJ (the Uniform Code of Military Justice) for appearing in my military porn videos.

Why are some videos and galleries marked "classified"?

Obviously a lot of my videos and galleries aren't 'classified'. This is because the Marines, soldiers and sailors in these videos are no longer in active duty service, although they once were. These are videos and galleries that come from my archive of porn I've shot over the last 15 years that I'm making available on the internet for the first time.

Some of those guys are no longer active duty because they got kicked out of the military for violating the U.C.M.J., the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Three of the hottest guys in my collection, Dorian, Dane, and Brian all got kicked out, which sucks. It can't hurt to show you their faces, but for guys that are still in, I will be keeping their identities concealed for non-members. Members get to see everything, of course

I've done a lot of work for other people, so a site all my own has been a long time coming. It's awesome to be able to share my collection of videos, but even better to be taping for my own site now. Most of the new updates will be classified for the safety of their military careers, but I still have a few gems from the vault to share with you, and those won't be, even though the men in them were active duty at the time.

tl;dr—When a post is marked "classified" the guy is still active duty military, if not the guy was active duty military but got out.

Have I seen these pics/movies before?

A few of them you might have. I've been taping and photographing the hottest military boys around for over 12 years now. I have in that time worked for many of your favorite sites (which shall remain nameless but some of the most famous military porn videos on some of the most famous active duty military porn sites around featured none other than yours truly behind the camera). I am able now to make some of the very best of these including my very favorite, Brian's first video ever, available on this site. Brian of course went on to become a force of his own in the straight-for-gay military porn world, and I'm proud to say I discovered him and gave him a 'helping hand'. I am often also able to present new footage and new photos that weren't available before.

That having been said though, once you've enjoyed the very best marines, sailors and soldiers from my archives of active duty military men, every week I will be presenting new, never before seen military guys. Hardcore scenes featuring multiple hot marines sucking each other's cocks and sticking their tongues up each other's asses, real marines exploring their sexuality for the first time, on camera, for you. It's a rough life but somebody's gotta do it!

How do you get the guys?

Some secrets I cannot reveal. I will say that military guys, especially marines, are A) perpetually horny and B) they love to show off. You have to know where to look for them, but once you know where to find them it's not hard to convince them to have fun. Most of them are bored out of their shaved skulls on base, often too young to drink with their buddies, and ready to experiment. Being in the military they are used to showering with their buddies and in fact are totally used to seeing their buddies dicks all day...and are often led to be curious about what it would be like. Many of the women they meet off base are only looking to shack up with a permanent income and often they are located someplace where their aren't many women to begin with, right when they are at the horniest, most sexual, and most experimental part of their lives. Often they have risked their lives in wartime situations and want to experience what life has to offer while they still can. And, let's be honest, the military doesn't pay nearly as well as I do.

Copyright © 2015-2025 —All Rights Reserved. All models at least 18 years of age at time of photography. Proof of age and other pertinent records required by 18 U.S.C., Sections 2257 of title 18 is kept by the Custodian of the Records

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